Core Principles

That city officials should reject the influence of any outside parties or entities that seek to shape what our community looks like, feels like, or how our city operates its streets and other community assets.
That city officials should always treat citizens with respect.
That all available measures should be taken to ensure that the extension of Wilbur Avenue from Hwy 95 to Government Way does not permit additional traffic through Dalton Gardens.
That city officials should pursue and secure permanent reductions in through traffic from other communities by all available means.
That any funding for 4th Street should be rejected if it requires the incorporation of roundabouts, stoplights, sidewalks, curbs or gutters, turn lanes, road widening or drainage swales. Our city should reject any funding sources that would require these elements or would relinquish control of our streets to outside entities.
That any attempt to increase traffic, flow, volume or speed throughout our community should be rejected.