Keep Dalton Rural

City Council candidates Carrie Chase, Ray Craft, Aaron O’Brien, and Robert Wuest are committed to opposing any legislation that threatens to destroy the nature and quality of life in Dalton Gardens. This could include any actions that introduce urban elements into our community public spaces, increase housing density, and expand or modify streets to accommodate the demands of neighboring communities.
We four Candidates seek to maintain the quality of life, tranquility, peace and safety of the citizens which our unique city has long enjoyed. We believe that protecting these characteristics should be the highest priority for our elected officials.
Candidates Carrie Chase, Ray Craft, Aaron O’Brien, and Robert Wuest are committed to:
• Giving the citizens of Dalton Gardens a voice regarding their community decisions.
• Opposing tax increase for 4th Street improvements.
• Pursuing and securing permanent reductions in through traffic.
• Protecting Dalton Gardens from pass-through traffic generated by connecting Wilbur Ave to Hwy 95.
• Exploring options for increased law enforcement presence in Dalton Gardens.
• Maintaining 1-house/acre with current street frontage requirements.